From innovative energy concepts for new buildings, existing properties, and districts, to certifications, building physics, advanced simulations, sustainability reporting, and circular construction – we guide you on the path to a greener future.

We have combined these competencies in our new brand, MorgenGrün, to support you even better in making your properties future-ready.

Here you can find more information on the topic of Building acoustics sound insulation.

Building acoustics sound insulation

With the sound insulation certificate required by building law, we provide you with the central proof for structural sound insulation.

In building acoustics, airborne sound and structure-borne sound transmission from and through building components are tested.


  • Airborne sound
    Examination of the transmission of airborne sound waves via a building component from the transmitting to the receiving room as well as planning of optimized sound insulation
  • Impact sound
    Examination of the transmission of impact sound via a building component as well as planning of optimized impact sound insulation
  • Exterior noise
    Recording of the external noise situation
    Dimensioning and optimization of noise reduction measures
    Design of sound insulation against external noise according to DIN 4109