From innovative energy concepts for new buildings, existing properties, and districts, to certifications, building physics, advanced simulations, sustainability reporting, and circular construction – we guide you on the path to a greener future.

We have combined these competencies in our new brand, MorgenGrün, to support you even better in making your properties future-ready.

Here you can find more information on the topic of DGNB certification.

DGNB certification

Our company is a member of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen). We assist and support building owners, and their planning teams, throughout all project stages – from initial idea to completion – by providing approved auditors for the DGNB certification system.

DGNB certification entails holistic, performance-oriented review of a building's entire life cycle. It takes account of quality in all aspects of sustainability-oriented construction:

  • Ecological aspects
  • Economic aspects
  • Socio-cultural and functional aspects
  • Technical aspects
  • The planning and implementation process

Three different grades of certificates are awarded, for three different degrees of conformance with the defined standards: platinum (> 80%), gold (> 65%) and silver (> 50%). A "bronze" certification is also available, for existing structures that achieve conformance > 35%.

Logos f. l. t. r.: DGNB Bronze, DGNB Silber, DGNB Gold, DGNB Platin

We support projects throughout the following phases of the certification process:


At a very early planning stage, and working together with the building owner and the planning team, we determine what certification level can be expected, in light of the basic concept that the building owner/investor is applying. We identify potential for optimization and provide support for definition of relevant objectives.


Also at an early planning stage, and again in cooperation with the building owner and the planning team, we prepare a comprehensive catalogue of objectives, relative to the sustainability criteria for the DGNB seal of approval. Then we work out and fill in the necessary details, submit the documents to the DGNB and handle any other paperwork necessary for obtaining a pre-certificate, which can then be used for early-stage marketing of the property.


Working closely with the building owner, we support the planning process and ensure that the defined objectives are achieved. We provide any necessary additional training for planning and implementation personnel, and we support the documentation process. When the building has been completed, we compile all pertinent documentation, and support the DGNB's awarding of the final certificate.

Our wide range of services enables us to provide – from one source – a majority of the documentation services that play a role in the certification process. In addition to auditing services per se, these include:

  • Life cycle analysis (LCA)
  • Life cycle cost calculation (LCC)
  • Building-physics verifications
  • Daylight simulations
  • Thermal building simulations
  • Energy concepts

DGNB Platin for HumboldtHafen Eins, Berlin

HumboldtHafen Eins, Berlin
> Reference

© Hiepler, Brunier, Berlin

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