New Office Towers, Schwabinger Tor, Munich | Germany

Customer: Architektenbüro Max Dudler, Berlin

Architect: Architektenbüro Max Dudler, Berlin

Net costs, building services €: 25,000,000.00

Project period: 2010 until 2014

Services: Planning and monitoring, sanitary systems, sprinkler systems, heating ventilation and air-conditioning systems, cooling ceilings, electrical and telecommunication systems, conveyance systems, building automation systems, fire-extinguishing systems, measuring and control technology

Certificate: Pre-Assesment DGNB

A new district is being built in Munich's Schwabing area. The basic structure for the new district consists of a three-story, underground structure. Over it, a total of nine above-ground elements will be erected. For the Berlin architectural firm of Max Dudler, ZWP is carrying out planning for four of the elements ˗ two 13-story high-rises and two six-story buildings.

On their ground floors, all of the buildings will have rental space for shops, restaurants and other types of business ventures. The structures' first three stories above the ground floor are reserved for variable office space, while their higher floors will be used as residential space.

All areas will be equipped with cooling ceilings, and the residential areas will also be fitted with controlled ventilation systems. The two high-rise structures will also have automatic extinguishing water systems. Wastewater streams from the buildings will be divided into heated and non-heated streams, for purposes of heat recovery. The basic structure will provide an energy slab with temperatures for summer (22°C) and winter (28°C). The energy for the slab will be obtained from renewable sources, including geothermal energy, groundwater energy, heat recovery and heat transfers.

Renderings: © Max Dudler, Berlin

Worth knowing

Pre-Assesment DGNB